Fix operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) Printer Error

I got this error working on clients machine. The fix was pretty easy. I used a YouTube video to get started. It took me to the Registry and had me change the permissions on a folder to “full control”, and this fixed the issue.

The issue was I was unable to remove or set a printer to be the default. The video was a good start. Made the registry change and rebooted and everything was working great. I saw the next YouTube video for the same issue; however, after this guy set the permissions to “full control” and fixed the printer issue he set the permissions back on the folder to where they were before. I am thinking this is a better way to do it.

Let us know if this helped you…

Google Calendar RSS Feed Showing Wrong Date & Time

Had an issue with a RSS feed from Google Calendar where the date and time was wrong in the feed. It was right in the calendar and in calendar view; however, if you viewed the specific details the date and time was off by hours. It turned out to be that specific calendar’s time zone. Here is a video that shows the steps I walked through.

Let us know if this helps you….


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