Website Attacks On The Rise

We often check the Web Access Firewalls we run on out site as well as our customers sites, and over the past week we have noticed an incredible up tick in attacks. Many coming from other Countries. We typically see maybe 5 attacks a week, but in the last three days we have had over 2,500 attempts on just one site.

If you are unsure if your site is protected feel free to reach out to us, and we can investigate it for you. We have plenty of recommendations for WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal users.

Solved Network Solutions Email 550 5.7.1 Connection refused

We have a customer who purchased business class emails with Network Solutions. Our customer had issues right away with delays in email and rejections. This turned out to be a outdated Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record in the DNS settings. This didn’t solve all the issues.

One user was still having issues with delayed emails. We sent an email to user-1 but got a rejection for user-2. Turned out user-1 was set to forward to user-2. We added user-1 email address to user-2 email account as a safe sender; however, we got still got rejections. We ended up just turning the forwarding off and everything was working.

Not really a solution, but it is working. We are not a fan of Network Solution here.

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FontAwesome Alternative Google Icons

We use icons all the time. Sometimes it is a simple FontAwesome or Icomoon fonts. Other times we make our own through Illustrator. We stumbled upon Google’s icons and discovered there are a ton of them. Great looking artwork and easy to use. We watched the following video before using them and found it helpful.

Here is a link to the Google Icons page.

Let us know if this helped you.

The User’s password must be changed before signing in

This is something we see often; however, today we got this message and it took several tries to get it right. Often we jump into the Active Directory and reset the password with the option for the user to change the password again on next sign on. This is method I took and we got the following afterwards.

We had to set the password and this time we did not check the “must change password on next sign on. “

This got us into the machine. Once in we were able to hit CTL + ALT + DEL, go the Password Change option, and the user was able to set the password they wanted.

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