Instagram Photos In Joomla Free

We have a Joomla 4 site we are working on and the customer wanted to show their Instagram photo feed. We didn’t budget this in, but wanted the customer to be satisfied. We found a way to do it for Free! The solution came from Unitemplates. Of course it is never easy to get your Instagram Access Token. You will also need the username for this module.

Here is a link to a YouTube video by Go Tech UG that shows you how to get your access Token: Video here.

From there is extremely easy. Just install the module, add your access token and username.

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Joomla Event Gallery Images Not Showing

We were trying out a new free component for Joomla called “Event Gallery”; however, the local images were not showing up for us at first. We created one gallery that pulls from our Google Photos account, and that worked. The second gallery pulled from local images that we uploaded, but this didn’t work. Here is what we would see.

Inspecting the broken link the URL looked right, but still no image. After digging around on the developers website we found the following ticket that gave us our answer.

We were building the site in XXAMP and discovered our PHP.ini needed to allow the extension “gd” enabled.

We restarted Apache in XXAMP and everything was working.

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