We noticed a site wasn’t getting the amount of email inquiries we used to get, so we looked in the database to see if any were submitted and we didn’t get it. We were actually reviewing Google’s GA4 and what each part does. We were looking at the real-time results and noticed there a user on just a few minutes ago and they were on the “Contact Us” page. There was an event logged that a user clicked a button. Why didn’t we get the email we thought. This lead us to investigate.
One of the best resources for this is the Joomla documentation website. This page has the best way we have found to use Gmail to send emails.
We moved the site to completely different host company SiteGround to see if we could get it to work at all. It worked perfectly. We used PHPMailer as well as relaying the emails through GMail.
We went back to the Godaddy hosting to try to see if they have a SMTP relay server we could use. We found the following article which looks very promising and it isn’t out-dated.
The problem this customer had is with Godaddy they have the email set to “Remote mail exchanger”, so no email is handled with them. Our next step is to work with Godaddy the hosting provider to either upgrade the hosting or reset the account to get mail routing working.
Let us know if this helped you…