We suddenly started getting the Joomla4 error page while building a new site in XXAMP. Our first search on the web lead us to fixing the “data” directory in the “C:\xampp\mysql\data”. We used the following article to help get us started. They offer 3 different methods. We didn’t have “Administrator” privileges on the machine, so we started with method 2 and coping the data. At first this got the MYSQL working again.
We couldn’t get into the website via the Administrator so we need to change the configuration file manually to get us some error messages to debug the site. We used this article to change the permissions on the “configuration.php” file to not be “read-only”.
This lead to a new error message
None of the methods worked for us. We needed to reinstall XAMPP.
Well this happened again where MySQL won’t start. The error was different. Here is the solution we needed.