Had a customer with an issue of Outlook “Not Responding“, and a dialog box would popup saying: Microsoft Outlook Contacting: \\googleads.g.doubleclick.net\pagead\viewthroughconversation\877065211”.

Running Outlook in safe mode would stop this from happening. Go to run and type in “outlook /safe” and hit enter.
The following article lead us to possible Malware. There were no obvious browser add-ins or extensions that could be causing this. We found the following article which prompted us to install and run RougeKiller.
Click here to see article.
RougeKiller found 3 items that we didn’t really see as a threat. One was just a shortcut, but one was a registry entry. We recreated the short and let RougeKiller Quarantine the three items. We restarted the machine and the issue didn’t popup again. We uninstalled RougeKiller and restarted the machine and Outlook was working properly.
Let us know if this helped you….