Godaddy Managed WordPress FTP Access

Taking over a customer’s Godaddy Managed WordPress website we wanted to access their “All-in-one-migration” backup files. The website site wouldn’t let us download them due to permissions issues. We dug around in the account and found the process we needed. Here are the steps.

  • Go to your GoDaddy Product Page
  • Next to “Managed WordPress” select “Manage All“.
  • Select the site you want to use and go to the “Settings” tab.
  • Under “Production Site“, find SSH/SFTP login and select View or Change. Copy the “Hostname” for use in your FTP program and “Create new login“.
  • You can also access the files in the “File Browser” in the “Settings” menu.

The “All-in-one-migration” backup files are located in the “wp-content > ai1wm-backups” directory.

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