Word Experienced an Error Trying to Open the File

We noticed users were having issues opening Office documents like a Word or Excel file that was sent to them via email. Everything looks normal, but when they click on the file to open it they get the following error.

The fix is really easy.

  • Save the file to your machine
  • Right-click on the file and go down to “Properties“.
  • On the General Tab, check “Unblock” and click okay. This may be on the Security tab.
  • Double-click the file to open it.

You can set up Word and Excel to not block these file types from Outlook.

  • Open Word and/or Excel and click on “File
  • Go down to “Options“.
  • Click on “Trust Center“, “Trust Center Settings” , and then “Protected View
  • Uncheck at least “Enable Protected View for Outlook Attachments“.

Let us know if this helped you.

Outlook Not Opening Excel Document – EMET

Had a customer who was having issues opening Office attachments from Outlook. EMET was popping up and preventing Excel and Word from opening attachments in Outlook.

I found this article which got me started.


This didn’t fix the issue because Excel and Word were still blocked by EMET.  This also messed up the Office 2013 install, so I ran a repair on Office 2013 from Add and Remove Programs. When Excel opened up I had to re-activate the Office programs. I got this repaired.

I removed EMET and re-installed the latest EMET 5.5. This still didn’t resolve the issue. I found this this next link that lead me down a good path.


I removed MalwareBytes, restarted the machine, and everything was working now.

I imported the three .XML files mentioned in the link above as well.

Let us know if this helped you…


Word 2016 Not Using My Default Printer – Print To PDF Instead

We got a call from a customer that was unable to print a document out of Word. We could use the “Printer Properties” in the “Control Panel” and print a test page. I could print out of Notepad just fine. When we tried to print from Word it was selecting “Print To PDF” when the default printer was a HP 3015.

We found advice on the Web for just plan re-installing the printer.


We reinstalled the printer driver and this resolved the issue.

Let us know if this helped you…


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